how we breathe is how we live
Breathwork encompasses different breathing practices, techniques, and exercises. Despite its ancient roots, the importance of breathing has often been overlooked. It’s time to change that, reestablishing a connection with our life-sustaining breath as a gateway to self-regulation, healing, and lasting transformation.
Facilitated Breath Repatterning is a profound body-based form of Breathwork combined with Bodywork to:
– Restore the functionality of the main three diaphragms
– Balance the nervous system function
– Complete unprocessed experiences, emotions and reflexes
in order to create:
– A natural, healthy and dynamic breath that is adjusting appropriately to
any internal and external circumstances
– Equilibrium between the body, mind, emotions and spirit
– Greater physical, mental and emotional capacity and resilience
– A ife of clarity, confidence, peace and ease
Through a continuous practice we gain more awareness, introspection and capacity. We work through the roots of our triggers, believes and shadows, therefore we become better in understanding, regulating and expressing ourselves. We balance our nervous system, we change how we think, feel and react and how we relate to others. Our perception of the world and ourselves clears up. We unlearn old patterns and remember who we truly are, and with that comes the embodied feeling of freedom, capability, authenticity and confidence.
How we breathe is how we live.
Working with me
Over the past two years I guided many clients in a 1:1 setting, a lot of them over months. I led several private and public Breathwork Circles and held Breathwork Workshops at Retreats.
My highest values are safety, integrity and presence.
In my sessions and circles all parts of you are welcome and will be held by me with confidentiality, loving kindness and groundedness.